
A Day to Remember!

Visit by Our Mentors Leaves a Lasting Impression
Our mentors, Rtn Kanesan and Rtn Venkatesh visited our training location at ANEW to interact with the trainees at length about the current industry standards.

Mr. Kanesan delivered an exceptionally inspiring talk that centered around setting lofty goals in life. During his speech, he provided valuable insights into the intricacies of corporate interviews and emphasized the importance of thorough preparation. Mr. Kanesan shared practical tips that, when implemented consistently, can significantly enhance trainees’ communication skills, boost their confidence, and ultimately increase their chances of securing placements in IT companies. His talk served as a motivating guide, empowering the audience with the knowledge and strategies needed to excel in their professional journeys.

அரிதரிது மானிடர் ஆதல் அரிது
மானிடர் ஆயினும் கூன்குருடு செவிடு
பேடு நீங்கிப் பிறத்தல் அரிது
பேடு நீங்கிப் பிறந்த காலையும்
ஞானமும் கல்வியும் நயத்தல் அரிது

During his talk, Rtn Kanesan quoted Avvai’s words and highlighted the tremendous opportunity the training provided to the participants. He expressed heartfelt gratitude to all those who played a pivotal role in organizing and executing the training program. Mr. Kanesan emphasized the importance of adopting a mindset of gratitude, encouraging the trainees to focus on counting their blessings instead of dwelling on complaints. He motivated each individual to continuously sharpen their skills, acquire knowledge, and prepare themselves for the abundant opportunities that life has in store for them.

Joining Mr. Kanesan in the session was Mr. Venkatesh, who equally contributed his insights on interview preparation. Together, they offered valuable guidance and expertise to help the trainees effectively navigate the interview process. Their combined perspectives provided a well-rounded approach, enriching the learning experience and equipping the participants with the necessary tools to succeed in their future endeavors.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to both Mr. Kanesan and Mr. Venkatesh for their insightful and valuable talk. Thank you, sirs, for sharing your knowledge and inspiring us.

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